Sold my house in 2 days! With 2 full price offers. Kristi Figarelle-Lucero was a pleasure to work with. She's very knowledgeable, professional, and a total real estate genius!
- Carly Riehl
Kristi was amazing to work with!!!
- Spring Gehl
We were first time home buyers and worked with Kristi Lucero. She was wonderful to work with and had our best interest in mind. After the home inspection report came in and she had a chance to look at it she had a good list put together on what she recommended we ask the sellers to do. Which was great as it helped guide us since we were so new to the field. Despite the tough communication with the sellers agent she always stayed on top of it and always made sure to keep us updated. We would definitely recommend her to anyone looking for an agent and would definitely work with her again.
- Tabitha Homler
Kristi lucero was great at selling our home and helping us look at new homes to buy!!
As a Great Falls native, I know the area like the back of my hand. My sincere interest in Real Estate, integrity, negotiation skills, attention to detail and goal oriented attitude have greatly assisted me in this business. I know that purchasing a home is a major investment and the process can be very stressful and confusing. It is my goal to keep every client, whether it be a first time home buyer or a veteran home owner, informed and educated to ensure a successful outcome in every move they make. I am dedicated to supporting my clients throughout the entire process, making it a smooth transition and an enjoyable experience. I treat every transaction with quality customer service, a smile on my face, and a competitive attitude to succeed in today’s Real Estate market. Aside from being a Realtor, I enjoy traveling the country, interior decorating, interior design, photography, riding ATV’s, camping around the state and spending time with family and friends.
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